Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Chemistry Minor Uiuc Can Help You Pass the NCLEX-P.E.

Chemistry Minor Uiuc Can Help You Pass the NCLEX-P.E.The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign offers a B.S. in Chemistry, an M.S. in Chemical Engineering, a M.B.A. in Business Administration, and a M.S. in Chemical Engineering. These degrees will make you a capable and experienced chemical engineer, but it is not enough to sit for the NCLEX-P.E. The real test will be a real life application test. That is where UIUC Engineering Minor Uiuc can help.NCLEX or National Council Licensure Examination is the test you must pass before you can earn your license. Many times, one may be confused as to how to choose the right test. For starters, if you have taken the NCLEX exam, chances are you have passed your practical portion, which is the actual physics exam. If you have not, you need to prepare your mind. A minimum score of 75% is required to get a license to practice engineering.The test is conducted by multiple testing centers, like Pearson VUE, CAET, and TestMaster. Before you regis ter for the test, it is best that you have a good idea of what you should expect.Generally, the test center has a small number of tables, in order to save money. There is a staff member to monitor the test, in order to make sure all questions are answered accurately. You can expect to stand in a certain number of places and get a certain number of tests.When you go to a test center, do not pay attention to the many ads that claim they are affiliated with another test center. Though they may advertise their affiliation, this does not mean the other test center is affiliated with UIUC.Also, find out whether the staff in the test center knows what they are doing. They will help you with the technicalities of the test and assist you with your preparation.Take advantage of the facility offered by the test center. The staff can show you a variety of test taking strategies, which will lead you to an excellent score.Finally, don't forget that your goal is to go to UIUC for your undergrad an d graduate studies. With a good Chemistry Minor Uiuc, you will have the tools to be well prepared for the test. This makes the test much easier to pass.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Free Techniques in Organic Chemistry 3rd Edition PDF

Free Techniques in Organic Chemistry 3rd Edition PDFFor those who would like to learn more about organic chemistry, you will find the free techniques in Organic Chemistry 3rd Edition PDF interesting. In this eBook, you will get information on why you should consider organic chemistry and how this field can benefit you. The strategies in this eBook will help you to start learning about this field.If you want to pursue a college degree in chemistry, you may be a bit overwhelmed by the large amount of information that you need to remember. Instead of studying for years at school, take advantage of the free techniques in Organic Chemistry 3rd Edition PDF. This eBook provides a number of easy to use tips and strategies to improve your education and improve your overall grade.You will learn what factors affect your grades when it comes to organic chemistry. Some of these factors include experimental procedures, experimentation, and classroom management. You will learn the difference betwee n the various types of chemicals. You will learn the different uses for organic chemistry.In the quick overview of the book, you will learn all the things that you should do when you are ready to enter the college environment. Before applying to college, you need to do some research about the chemistry program you are considering. This eBook can help you narrow down your choices.One of the biggest benefits to this free techniques in Organic Chemistry 3rd Edition PDF is that you will not have to pay any money to get the book. Many of the materials and techniques in this book are free, making it easy for you to gain the information you need. You also do not have to worry about the time it will take to find the information you need.One of the most important aspect of this eBook is how easy it is to lookup specific answers. The tactics and strategies contained in this eBook help you learn the answers quickly. They help you figure out the answers to many difficult questions that can make it easier to understand your research. This eBook can teach you important information about organic chemistry, as well as other subjects, quickly and easily.The strategies in Organic Chemistry 3rd Edition PDF will help you achieve higher grades in college. You will learn how to improve your grade, especially in chemistry.

Friday, March 6, 2020

The Basic Mechanism of Organic Chemistry Reaction Mechanisms

The Basic Mechanism of Organic Chemistry Reaction MechanismsOrganic chemistry reaction mechanisms are basic theories in organic chemistry, which help scientists, students and researchers to understand the chemistry and its physical processes. Several processes such as proton exchange, chemical bond formation, photo-reaction, electrochemistry, and hydration are described using such mechanism. Different reactions may not require all the ingredients, but they usually require one or two of the basic elements, such as hydrogen, oxygen or nitrogen.Oxidation reactions are one of the important reactions in organic chemistry. It occurs when the compound that is reacting with one or more of the basic elements reacts with the double bonds present in the two compounds. The triple bond that is present in the atoms of the element of the compound plays a role in forming the radical component of the reaction. Such radical component is useful to the chemist because it can form more complex molecules by separating the unpaired electrons from the single bonds.The radicals that will be formed in the process may have different properties. In addition, they can also form when the constituent molecule reacts with certain chemicals, such as aldehydes and alkenes. They are called anion radicals, which means that they are positive and neutral, or negative and neutral. For instance, the hydrocarbon molecule (carbon dioxide) has an anion radical, and a group of alkyl radicals, and a group of alkynes.Alcohols are the simplest radicals that have many variations. They are very flexible and can be used as part of the chemical reaction. Some examples of alcohols are methanol, ethanol, and methanethiol. They have more than twenty atoms, and in their chemical formula, they are listed in the alphabetical order as ABCDE.Another group of radicals in organic chemistry compounds which are chemical bonds between different elements. They include cations, anions, and covalentcompounds. These are easily recognizable by their uses in the chemical reactions. One example is the cation, which are a group of four carbon atoms, and anion, which are a group of three carbon atoms.The cation has many uses such as being the initial chemical substance for a solution of the alkali metal or sodium ion. On the other hand, the anion is a group of four sulfur atoms, and covalent compounds are the group of a mixture of two or more elements. Examples of covalent compounds are nitrogen-containing anions and cationic compounds. However, these radicals are not normally used directly in the chemical reactions. Instead, they are used by other radicals to form other chemical bonds in the chemical reaction.Molecular bonding is another mechanism that helps in the formation of molecules. This bond is one of the basic reaction mechanisms in organic chemistry. Molecules are formed by joining up the different structural components, such as the atoms or groups of atoms and their bonding sites, together.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

German Classes in Belfast

German Classes in Belfast Finding the Best German Classes in Belfast ChaptersLearn to Speak German with a TutorLanguage Instruction in a Language CentreGerman Courses at Queen’s UniversityGerman Lessons at the Belfast MetImagine this: you have just returned from your holiday cruise down the Rhine River. You saw all of those lovely vineyards sculpting the hills of the valley and met lots of lovely people.The trouble was you couldn’t talk with any of them because your communication skills in German are limited to Guten Tag and Danke Schon.Your mind is made up: before your next holiday abroad â€" most likely in another region of Germany because the culture resonates with you, you will learn how to speak German.Resolution made, now is the time to find German language lessons.All day at work followed by family concerns; maybe a moment to connect with friends before turning in for the night and doing it all over again the next day...Where, in your busy schedule, would you have time and energy for learning a language?That’s the rub, really. There are p lenty of people who aspire to take on new challenges that simply cannot meet the commitment because... well, because life gets in the way.However, working with a tutor in your home or online negates the need to run out of the house for night classes all while allowing you to learn German in the comfort of your own surroundings.Let’s say you had studied German in school; maybe sat your GCSEs in German but, over time you have found it difficult to maintain your skill level.Talking with a tutor can help you bring back the German language's unique grammatical constructions you thought you had forgotten as well as refreshing your vocabulary.What about the students in your home?If you have a secondary school student preparing to sit their school-leaving exams in German, or maybe s/he is gearing up for German A-Levels, s/he too would be well-served by lessons with a private tutor.Where can you find such an individual who would take your language learning needs into consideration; who wou ld keep your schedule in mind while planning your lessons around it?  Enter Superprof!Superprof is a global community consisting of thousands of teachers.You may, for instance, learn German online with someone who actually lives in Germany, or a native speaker of German who lives elsewhere in the UK.If you would prefer to meet your private tutor face to face, Superprof has that base covered as well: we have four German tutors in Belfast!Anja is a native German speaker with four years of classroom experience.She works with students of all ages and, should you be a university or secondary school student, you only need to indicate what aspect of German you need help with and she will tailor her lessons to help you achieve your language learning goals.Anja, like most other Superprof tutors, offers her first hour of lessons at no charge and, should you book a block of five or 10 lessons, you would receive a discount.Now that we’ve explored your go-to solution for language studies, letâ €™s find out where else you could find German language courses.Are you interested in knowing where in Birmingham people take German lessons?People in larger German cities likely speak English but if you want to visit small towns, you must speak a bit of German Image by Peter H from PixabayLanguage Instruction in a Language CentreIf you wanted to learn a new language merely to exercise your brain, you have many avenues to choose from but if you need to certify your knowledge of German, you would need to attend a language school.As great as Superprof tutors are, they cannot give you an official language training certificate.You may need such a certificate before getting a promotion at work or landing a new job. If you are a student hoping to study abroad, you will also have to prove your German language skills.The accepted certificate of German language level is issued through the Goethe Institut but, unless you anticipate living and working in Germany, a certificate from a language s chool would be sufficient.There is a Goethe Institut in Glasgow; would you consider taking German lessons there?Listen and Learn embraces a bespoke curriculum.You can take Business German or General German lessons, one to one or in a small group. Your German instructor may come to your home or office, or you may choose to have lessons in their office.Or, if you prefer, you can take your lessons online, via Skype.Before finalising your learning environment selection, you will be encouraged to take a placement test to determine your ability to speak German - there is nothing wrong with being an absolute beginner.In fact, your teacher needs to know how much German you already know, if any, so that s/he may teach you from a suitable starting point.Currently, Listen and Learn is promoting summer learning; you will benefit from a 15% discount on their regular rates.If you are a student, now would be a great time to secure your lessons; before school actually starts anew and every other fo reign language learner is scrambling for a teacher!Are you curious whether German language students in Edinburgh also get a jump on their studies?German Lessons with Language TrainersNot to be outdone, Language Trainers stands ready to help you build your German language proficiency in person, in groups, in a class or online.You may be pleasantly surprised to discover that you might only need about 30 hours of instruction to have a simple conversation with a German native speaker; even less if these instructors have their way!Here again, you will be invited to take a placement test before selecting your German class; this test is offered free on their website.Once you have an idea of where you are in your language training venture, you can start planning your schedule around your German courses.Note: Language Trainers is also offering a summer discount; hurry to find how much you could save!Did you know that German learners in Leeds tend to opt for intensive German studies?Germany i s full of history and amazing architecture; don't let the language barrier keep you from any of it! Image by Osman Zöllner from PixabayGerman Courses at Queen’s UniversityYou might think that university courses are reserved for those who are about to sit their A-Levels and enrol and, to an extent, you would be correct.Queen’s University takes their German language curriculum to the general public, and what a course they have!Their German language studies programme is divided into seven levels, the first being for those who have had virtually no exposure to the language.Level 1 introduces you to the language and culture of Germany; you would learn basic phrases and simple grammatical concepts.If you already have an elementary knowledge of German â€" if you can hold a simple conversation and describe your family, neighbourhood and work environments, you may start at Level 2, which builds on those foundation skills.Each of the courses is 10 weeks long and represents one level of a dvancement until Level 7, when you would be expected to discuss current events and contemporary issues that impact society, using nothing but your German language skills.Should be already be enroled at Queen’s University, the fee for each of these courses is £20 but, if you are not embroiled in a degree plan (or a member of their staff), you may still participate in these courses for only £88 per course.Is there any university anywhere in the UK that offers such a great deal on German courses?German Lessons at the Belfast MetNorthern Ireland’s largest college is no slouch when it comes to offering exciting courses and their German language classes might just be the icing on the cake!Whether you only have a passing acquaintance with the German language or can speak it fairly well, the Met has a class for you.Their German 1 course covers all of the basics: greetings, elementary grammar and a substantial vocabulary list.Their Improver and Improver Plus is where the meat of the ma tter is; the first offering targets speaking and listening while the Plus track emphasises reading and writing in German.If you have already passed the intermediate level and are ready for advanced German courses, their Step 6 course would be for you.Here, you would learn the more elaborate German grammar constructions all while continuing to develop your German pronunciation as well as your reading and writing skills.Are there such inclusive German classes in Cardiff?The cost for each course is £170 except for the Basic German class, which only costs £95 and the duration varies, so it would be best to check the course catalogue to find out which one would suit you best.Beautiful Belfast is distinct and diverse, open in her welcome and generous to those who would seek knowledge. One way to prove that is by the wealth of German courses to be had there.So if you’ve just returned from your holiday in Berlin or Bremen, and even if you’ve never left County Antrim but long to learn a new language, you certainly have the opportunity to do so.Now engage in a treasure hunt: find the best German classes in London!

SAT College Test Online SAT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace

SAT College Test Online SAT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace SAT is an abbreviation of Scholastic Assessment Test taken by high school students to gain admissions in colleges and universities in the United States. SAT College test is the exam popular among all colleges and universities and most colleges prefer SAT scores to analyze the students academic capability. SAT Reasoning test is the general SAT test which consists of 3 main sections: Critical Reading, Mathematics and Writing. However, some colleges also prefer specific subject scores to check the students credentials in that particular subject. For those students, SAT subject tests are available in 20 individual subjects and students can assess their performance in those particular subjects. SAT examines the students logical and conceptual knowledge of the student in the various subjects. In the Critical reading test, students are given multiple choice questions on reading comprehension passages. With these passages, students are tested on vocabulary, sentence structure, punctuations etc. In the mathematics section, students are given multiple choice questions as well as grid-in questions. The topics on which they are tested are generally Algebra, Plane geometry, Coordinate geometry, Probability and Statistics etc. and the questions range from easy to medium to difficult level. In the Writing section, students are given multiple choice questions as well as an essay question. The multiple choice questions are based on error improvements such as sentence improvement, passage improvement, error identification etc. For the essay question, students must use proper sentences and good grammar so that they can write meaningful essay on the given topic or an issue.

The 10 Most Difficult Piano Pieces

The 10 Most Difficult Piano Pieces What are the Hardest Piano Pieces to Play? ChaptersClassical music and its virtuoso piecesPop music and how difficulty serves successTackle the harder pieces to learn the pianoWhen you begin piano lessons, most of the time the goal is of the course is to progress as quickly and as well as possible.You want to acquire the strongest bases, to then go on playing the pieces that you like.And let's be clear, most pianists are looking to play the songs they've heard and would like to remake, or just a legendary melody, to do just like the best pianists.But the pianist has an ego and pride. To prove he is worthy, he will also go for difficult pieces, even very difficult. They don't necessarily fit his personal tastes. But they will give a status, a rank, to the one who plays them. What's on your repertoire?These difficult pieces can be categorized in different ways in the world of the piano. In order to give a sympathetic side to this article, we will go through classic pieces, and varieties, known or unknown.And you'll see that aft erwards, you will inevitably go to your keyboard to learn one, or even all.By reading this article, you will understand better how to become a piano virtuoso!Join the discussion: who do you think are the best pianists in the world?Will you become a virtuoso pianist? | Pedro Vezini via Visual HuntThere is often a tendency to say that the classical music pieces composed by the best pianists in the world are the most difficult to play. Fortunately, many classical pieces are also used for learning the piano.But of course, some justify this reputation.Symphony No. 5 by Beethoven (1804-1808)A legendary piece, composed by a genius musician. You have probably already heard these notes in the films The Longest Day or Saturday Night Fever.Composed of four movements (Allegro con Brio, Andante con moto, Scherzo, and the Finale), and lasting approximately forty minutes, the fifth symphony of Beethoven is one of the Austrian's masterpieces.For the anecdote, the music was composed during the Napol eonic wars, while Austria was invaded by France.As for Beethoven, then in his thirties, he is more and more affected by deafness.A few years later, this symphony was designated as a reference work, and one of the most popular of classical music.Beethoven inspired many artists. John Travolta can testify.Piano Sonata No. 18 in D major (W.A Mozart)There is no need to introduce Mozart, considered by many to be the greatest virtuoso in the history of the piano.Because of his precocity, and also because of the difficulty and complexity of his compositions. (who doesn't recognize his famous enchanted flute, opera of more than two hours long).Mozart's piano sonatas are among the most difficult to play.And the n °18 offers an impressive technical panel. Variations of rhythms, changes of fingering and speed.One can clearly say that he is a pianist with great capacities when he masters the Mozart sonatas, and more particularly the n °18.Discover the long history of the piano...The Bolero by Ma urice Ravel (1928)Undoubtedly one of the most beautiful ballets of the XXth Century. Again, you probably heard this music from the AGF Insurance ad in the early 2000s. A beautiful and catchy melody, lasting about 15 minutes.The melody repeats itself regularly during the piece, but variations in crescendo and orchestration give this singular work an original, even unique aspect.So unique that it is to this day the most played ballet piece in the world's great operas since the 1930s, and even at events such as the 1998 World Cup or the closing ceremony of the Sochi Olympics in 2014.The Toccata in D Minor by J.S Bach (1703-1707)Everyone has already heard this music, the reference music written for the organs by Bach. Built in three episodes, it took four years to be written. Controversies ran around it at the beginning, the sulfurous composer Ringck and then Kelliner claiming its origin, but it is ultimately attributed to Bach when he was young.Very quickly returned to popular culture, the XXth gives a timeless aspect to this piece. He is taken to the cinema in Fantasia, Twenty Thousands Leagues under the Sea, The Godfather or even Aviator and Pirates of the Caribbean.The first notes entered history, and a melody as beautiful as that is difficult with accelerations and piano adaptation.Pop music and how difficulty serves successPop songs are part of musical culture. And contrarily to what one can sometimes think, commercial music can be very difficult and can serve as a basis for piano lessons.And require technical aptitudes essential to pianist.Diego, by Michel Berger (1983)In France, Michel Berger is a reference in piano and musical creation. We owe him a very large number of great hits. He wrote songs for himself, but also for the other musicians.And if we had to come out with a song that represents the composer's genius, Diego is the perfect example.A perfectly lapped melody, with the chords linked with fluidity. A difficult song not technically, but in the m anagement of the rhythms and emotions. A real complete piece for playing or learning to play the piano, which is very difficult to make as beautiful as the original piece played by Michel Berger.Find out how, through piano lessons online, Superprof tutors can help you master the depth of emotion the instrument can reflect.Life on Mars by David Bowie (1971)What about this song, which took a new path with the death of David Bowie in 2016. One of his greatest successes is built on a simple piano melody, but of rare intensity.Although it can be considered repetitive, this music (much like that of Michel Berger) is based on intensity, on raising the crescendo intensity.Which gives in the end a cult melody, of which it is difficult to transcribe the emotion. A certain time of practice of the piano is necessary since this music is difficult to play.The greatest artists of the twentieth century were pianists of high level. David Bowie is an example.Georgia On My Mind by Ray Charles (1960)Pi anists who are interested in the musical culture around their instrument know that jazz is a genre apart. It's not given to everybody to be able to play it. And Ray Charles is probably the greatest virtuoso in this field.And not just because he was blind. His music is complete, timeless, and also very difficult to transcribe.This is one of Ray Charles's most outstanding romantic pieces. The difficulty in this piece lies not in the rhythm, but in the melody itself.To play this piece, you must feel it, understand it. And to be well aware of the meaning and the words. At Ray Charles, the two are related. That is the difficulty.Great and difficult movie musicWhile they have taken on a new dimension in recent years, counting just as much as the movies in which they pass, movie scores must, of course, be on this list.They are technically of a very high level and require considerable pianistic capacities. This is not suitable for early piano lessons.People get very excited about playing th e piano when listening to these songs, so the goal is to work on learning the piano to get to play these pieces as quickly as possible.Find the best tutorials for learning the piano!The songs in the Aristocats are mythical! Have you not tried to learn them on the piano?Comptine d'un autre été (Yann Tiersen)No one has forgotten this piano-accordion melody of one of the most popular french films of the early 2000s : Amélie.And this melody composed by one of the best pianists of the world Yann Tiersen is very difficult for a particular reason: it is a piece for a left-handed person.And since 75% of pianists are right-handed, this piece takes on a new dimension. It requires a particular fingering training to be able to adapt to this piece. The difficulty of playing a piece for left-handed and the speed of this piece make it doubly difficult.For a piece that remains beautiful, and that I advise.Fly (Untouchable, by Ludovico Einaudi)We all shed our little tears while listening to this sublime music. A relatively fast and very rhythmic melody. This piece requires considerable dexterity and a relatively soft feel. It is obviously not given to everyone.It is a music based on speed, arpeggios and chords. But all in the emotion and sweetness of a very loud piece, and that will remain like a great moment of cinema music.  Music plays a lot on the success of a movie. Untouchables proves it.Interstellar soundstrack (Hans Zimmer)Ah, the master Hans Zimmer. Worthy successor to John Williams, this German is THE reference in movie music.And the least that can be said is that with the soundtrack of Interstellar, he gave it all he had. A lengthly song, with rhythmic and melodic accelerations.It is an all-powerful and all-crescendo piece.As in a lot of music by Hans Zimmer, the song's basis is not technically very hard. It is the rhythmic changes and variations of sound that make this piece a model of movie scores.The piano is a prestigious instrument so honor it!Tackle the har der pieces to learn the pianoPlaying the piano with challenging pieces helps you to learn your musical limits. And above all, it is the opportunity to progress quickly by playing the piano.Here, no music school or music theory, nor arpeggio! It is your motivation that will be your greatest source of progress in order to learn to play the piano and become a real performer. You will have to persevere in your piano classes, find the sheet piano sheet music and learn how to play the pieces you love.So take both your hands, choose a piano, play make your most beautiful treble clef and bass clef, find a piano teacher, go on practising, do what you need to become the piano player you dream to be. The solfeggio, chords and piano classics will then have no secrets for you.Discover all there is to know about the piano...Find piano lessons all over the UK on Superprof.Piano lessons LondonPiano lessons EdinburghPiano lessons GlasgowPiano lessons LeedsPiano lessons Birmingham

Why Hire a Personal Trainer

Why Hire a Personal Trainer Reasons you Should Start Sports Coaching or Personal Training at Home ChaptersPersonal Training is Becoming More CommonplaceThe 10 Advantages of Personal TrainersTrain Safely with a Personal TrainerThe Advantages of Personal Coaching at HomeWhy Choose a Personal Trainer?Get Motivated with the Help of a Personal TrainerWhether you want to tone up, lose weight, or get in shape, you should get in touch with a fitness professional as soon as possible.Sports centres and on-line workout videos aren’t nearly enough when it comes to your health and fitness. You need to be driven, focused, and disciplined. A personal trainer can help you with all of this. As you'll see in this article, there are plenty of advantages to getting a fitness trainer to come to your own home. CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £2 0/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discove r all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsPersonal Training is Becoming More CommonplaceMaybe you’ve noticed that your friends or family members are now even getting their own personal trainers to help them with their fitness goals.Whether they want to get back into shape, build muscle, or lose weight, a certified personal trainer will provide their client with a fully personalised training programme.Fitness training is even more effective when you don’t have to wait for a free machine or travel half an hour to your nearest gym!Find fitness classes near me.Personal trainers are becoming more and more popular. (Source: pixabay.com)Whether in a nearby park or your own home, a personal trainer can come to you. This can make working out so much more enjoyable!Pascal, an accredited personal coach in Paris can attest to this. For him, sport is the key to happiness and personal well-being. You can feel better in both “body and min d” just by doing regular exercise.For a personal trainer to do this, you have to adapt to your client by changing the intensity of their workouts and deciding on a schedule that will work for them. That's all well and good but how can you find a personal trainer like Pascal?On Superprof, for example, there are plenty of qualified and experienced personal trainers...All of these professionals can offer a wide range of different sporting activities such as running, cardio, weight training, pilates, yoga, stretching. Whatever activity you'd like to do, there's a coach or personal trainer that can help you do it.The 10 Advantages of Personal TrainersAny athlete, whether an amateur looking to get back into shape or a seasoned professional, should expect to see results from their training.  To make sure this is the case, they’ll have to have clear and achievable objectives.However, you mightn’t be fully aware of all the benefits that exercising can bring you. There are even more ben efits when you exercise with a personal trainer.Firstly, they can help you massively with your motivation. Daily life can sometimes make you lose confidence and leave you constantly feeling tired.A personal trainer can provide you with a personalised training programme and constantly monitor your progress. Session by session, they can keep an eye on how you’re doing and alter your goals and training sessions accordingly.A personal trainer will also make sure that you're training correctly and help you to avoid injury. Thanks to a personal fitness instructor, you’ll be able to see results more quickly and achieve a large number of your initial goals.Finally, other benefits include:A large selection of professionals with different specialisations to choose from.Different rates meaning there's a personal trainer for every budget.Being able to train at home or nearby.Nutritional advice to improve your eating habits and to help you eat more healthily. CalumDrama School Entrance Teach er 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1 st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsTrain Safely with a Personal TrainerLet’s go back to one of the most important benefits of having a personal trainer: being able to work out or exercise safely!A good trainer will also explain you how you can exercise safely. (Source: pixabay.com)Thanks to their professional training, every personal trainer will have at least the necessary knowledge of the human body and how far it can be pushed. They also know the dangers and risks of every activity they teach.It’s important that when you're working out, you’re doing it right.Be it at the health club, pool, running track, park, football pitch, your personal trainer needs to be aware of how the weather, the location, time, and equipment can affect each session, especially in terms of your personal safety.When it comes to making progress and working out without hurting yourself, a fitness coach has to be honest. Communication is key when it comes to ensuring that you’re not taking any unnecessary risks. This is even more true when you first start working with your own personal trainer as you won't have had the time to perfect your technique.When it comes to communication, the goal is to establish a strictly professional student-teacher type relationship with them. This will help you to better understand how to follow your fitness classes safely.After all, it’s their responsibility as a qualified professional to ensure that you’re safely benefiting from every exercise they tell you to do. They also need to make sure that their equipment and the place where you’re working out is appropriate and safe.The Advantages of Personal Coaching at HomeIn add ition to the benefits of having a personal trainer, personal training itself comes with a lot of benefits.You need to have a friendly and professional relationship with your personal trainer. (Source: pixabay.com)You can benefit from things you have around your house or flat to work out. You don’t need to go out and buy loads of gym equipment. A personal trainer can show you a few of these tricks:Work on your legs and glutes by climbing the stairsUse make-shift weights or use your sofa or chairs for a number of exercisesDo some simple cardio exercises from the comfort of your own living roomDo sit-ups wherever there’s spaceThere are so many different ways to work out in the comfort of your home.Your personal trainer will probably suggest that you buy a few things like a yoga mat, weights, sporting attire, good shoes, maybe even a good sound system for your workout jams!In short, the main advantages or personal coaching are:Tailored sessionsThe comfort of working out from your ow n home, cutting out travelling time, and being able to shower and eat straight afterwardsSaving time and effectively using your free timeScheduling that works with your timetableWhy Choose a Personal Trainer?If you train at home with a coach with a personal trainer certification, you’ll benefit from personalised advice. This isn't like a group fitness class where you're just another face in the crowd.You won’t have to wait hours or days for a trainer at gyms to become available to answer a few of your questions.You’ll learn immediately the best and safest ways to work out. Your personal fitness trainer will ensure that you're stretching before you workout, using the correct training techniques during cardio sessions, and ensuring that you're lifting correctly during your strength training.Furthermore, you can’t deny that it can be awkward organising when and how to go to the gym. You need to work out if you’ve got time to go, how long you’re going to work out for, and th en make your way back home.Sometimes this can be complicated enough to make you just not bother going at all! This is no longer a problem when you get a personal trainer to come to your own home. Or if you find a dedciated  online personal trainer!It can sometimes be difficult to continue doing your regular workouts and keep going to the gym. Fortunately, a personal trainer is there to keep you motivated and ensure that you never give up.Don’t forget the obvious benefits that come with personal coaching in terms of your health and well-being. That’s probably the biggest reason to hire a personal trainer.Get Motivated with the Help of a Personal TrainerLet’s finish by talking about motivation.You can rely on your personal trainer to motivate you! (Source:  KristopherK)We all know someone (it might even be you) who signed up for a gym and, without another person encouraging them to go, stopped going after either a few days, weeks, or months.They probably didn’t even get close to the results they were expecting.How do you avoid this? By hiring a personal trainer, of course!They’ll know how to make sure that this doesn't happen. They’ll be able to work out an effective training programme that, while exhausting, can leave you feeling invigorated. You can also discuss any doubts or concerns you have with your personal trainer and find out ways to resolve them.When it comes to personal training, motivation can come in the form of both words and actions. Whether a passionate motivational speech, a few simple words, or just an encouraging look...Written exchanges can also be motivational. Make sure they have as much useful informational so that they can do their job effectively. They can even provide you with written reports of your progress and advice on how to improve the next session. It’s a great way to encourage you to go the extra mile.Generally speaking, by regularly communicating with your personal trainer, they’ll get to know you better and kno w how to best motivate you.

A Day in the Life at Michigan State University

A Day in the Life at Michigan State University The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teachtheyre sharing their college experiences as well. Ross is a Detroit tutor who earned his Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan State University in 2010. He specializes in calculus tutoring, algebra tutoring, and several other areas of math. See what he had to say about his timeat Michigan State University: Describe the campus setting and transportation options at Michigan State University. Ross: The campus is safely closed in with all the dorm rooms and classes in a 20-minute-maximum walking distance from each other. On the outskirts of the campus is where you will find the campus apartments and restaurants. There are four transportation options on campus: driving, buses, biking, and walking. The buses take you all around campus but you have to know the schedule. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Ross: My professors were always available when I emailed or contacted them beforehand but they could also be reached by walk-in appointments. The Teaching Assistants always held review sessions which were very helpful to me during the tougher classes. I was a student athlete so my Academic Advisor was in the Smith Center, which is a student-athlete academic building for campus athletes. He was always available for me, probably due to the fact that he only dealt with athletes. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Ross: Dorm life at MSU was very pleasant because of my roommate. A huge part of the dorm life experience is your roommate. This can make or break your experience, regardless of the facilities and location. The dining rooms in the dorms were great even though some included better meal options than others. One of the best things about the dorms were the events that were held on the weekends which allowed students to get know their Resident Advisors and other students in the dorms. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported at Michigan State University? Ross: My major was Mechanical Engineering because I was a math guy. I love the design part of the engineering program. As far as support, the Engineering Department gave 100 percent support to the students and supplied us with a vast amount of resources for classes. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Ross: As previously stated, I played football during my tenure at MSU, so I socialized with mostly athletes my freshman year due to the fact that we were always around each other. Though I had a demanding football schedule, it wasnt difficult to meet new people because of campus activities. How helpful is the Career Center and other student support services? Ross: The Student Support services did an excellent job helping students get comfortable with writing resumes, looking for jobs, choosing careers after college, and speaking with companies. Companies often visited our campus at job fairs, as well as academic events held by departments. How are the various study areas such as libraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Ross: Our study areas were available and spacious when there were not final exams being taken. Each floor in the dorms had small conference rooms that could be used for studying. Also, the dorms had computer labs available for those who needed access to the web. The library and the student union were always available to meet up with friends to review for tests or to simply work on homework projects. Describe the surrounding town. Ross: Downtown East Lansing was a great place to enjoy your social life. The restaurants were very delicious and clean for friends and families, as well as local bars that showed sports events on the weekends. There was a mall not too far from campus that contained everything I needed. Multiple grocery stores were located no more than 15-20 minutes from the dorms. How big or small is the student body at Michigan State University? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Ross: Michigan States student body size is about 38,000. The class sizes were perfect for me. Some courses were taught in smaller high school-like classrooms while the larger classes that were taught in auditoriums. I enjoyed both settings because each gave students the opportunities to interact with the professor and other students. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one you regret the most. Ross: One memorable experience at MSU took place my sophomore year on the way to take a final. My roommate and I went to the wrong building for our final which made us late to the actual exam. When we arrived to the exam, after walking around campus for 15 minutes, it was jam-packed. The only available seats were two seats right next to each other and we ended up being the first two done, which was weird. We both ended up with a 3.0 in the course. Check out Ross tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Henri Matisse

Henri Matisse Henri Matisse and his Many Modes of Art ChaptersEarly Years and Tentative ExplorationsHello, Fauvism!Matisse: Life Beyond the CanvasSunset: Matisse’s Final YearsLegacyMatisse had a name fairly meant for the Parisian art scene, if only because it is a near homophone of the French word ‘artiste’.He stumbled upon painting through an unusual set of circumstances but once he declared himself a creator of art, there was no turning back.Rather little is known of his early life other than he was first-born into a wealthy family. His father was a grain merchant and his mother enjoyed dabbling in painting.Young Henri showed little inclination for art; he studied law in Paris before returning to his hometown in northern France to work as a court clerk and administrator.When he was 20 years old he was stricken with appendicitis that led to a prolonged episode of recovery during which he could not work. To help him pass the time, his mother gifted him a trove of art supplies.  She had no idea that simple act would completely chan ge her son’s life, deeply disappointing her husband in the process.The art world, on the other hand, delighting in having Henri Matisse break new ground in artistic expression and direction.Superprof now looks at the 60-year art career that Henri Matisse enjoyed and how he continuously reinvented himself to remain relevant. FernandoPainting Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EmmaPainting Teacher 5.00 (5) £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidPainting Teacher 4.75 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPainting Teacher 5.00 (7) £37/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors StefaniaPainting Teacher 5.00 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SakinaPainting Teacher 5.00 (1) £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LorrenPainting Teacher 5.00 (2) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Off2themoonholliePainting Teacher £8/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsEarly Years and Tentative Exploratio ns As he learned more about colour theory, Matisse soon abandoned his dark portrayals Source: Wikipedia“In painting, I have discovered a kind of paradise” Henri MatisseOnce he was fully recovered from his attack of appendicitis, Matisse returned to Paris for a second round of studies â€" not of the musty subject of Law but of art.He enrolled at Académie Julian, a private art school, where he learned intricate brushwork through landscape painting and still lifes.At the outset, his painting technique was quite traditional but his eyes kept straying to the works of other French artists like Manet and Chardin; in fact, he often spent his free time at the Louvre copying works by other famous artists.Matisse approached his art education intellectually rather than by any drive to create. He sought out the best teachers, even travelling to meet them and learn from them.Such was the case when he set out to meet Australian painter John Russell, who was staying on the island of Belle Isle. Th ere, he was introduced the brightness of van Gogh paintings; an experience that completely changed his palette.Mimicking the Dutch impressionist artist, he abandoned dark colours in favour of more realistically-hued works, such as Blue Pot and Lemon, displayed at the Hermitage museum in St. Petersburg.In a further tribute to Vincent van Gogh, Matisse painted a Vase of Sunflowers; he also executed Study of a Nude, employing elements of pointillism.Matisse, fully realising he was a novice among great painters, always followed advice from those he saw as his betters. So it came to be that, when Camille Pissarro suggested he travel to London to study the works of British painter William Turner, he readily complied.Fully enthused by life in the art world, upon returning to Paris, he nearly bankrupted himself buying up fellow artists’ works: Rodin, Gauguin and Paul Cezanne. The van Gogh that he had been given at Belle Isle also adorned his walls.In spite of showing well at Salon â€" the French government bought two of his oil on canvas paintings, Matisse needed something to advance his carefully-studied career.Hello, Fauvism!“Impressionism is the newspaper of the soul.” Henri MatisseUp to the turn of the century â€" for the first few years of Matisse’s career, he was considered an impressionist painter; whether he disdained that designation or not is in question still today. However, the above quote gives an indication of his feelings about impressionistic art in general.He felt that impressionist paintings are themselves a blank canvas upon which the viewer projects his own emotions and ideas or, conversely, find their ideas and feelings reflected in them, validating them in some way.As the movement's creator, Claude Monet would tell you, impressionism was, in effect, representational. Fauvism, by contrast, called for strong colours and more than a touch of abstraction.The Fauves â€" wild beasts in French, were young painters, themselves seen as unrestraine d in their creation of art, as though they were the beasts in question.Henri Matisse was a leader of the Fauvist art movement, along with André Derain. He  had sojourned in Tahiti, where he had picked up a predilection for bright colours; a bias that served him well as a Fauve.This style of painting advocated for the use of bold colours whether they were representative of the subject matter or not, meaning that artworks of this period, while audacious, did not reflect mainstream sensibilities.In other words, Fauvism was condemned virtually from the start.Naturally, this did not do a good turn for any Fauvist. Each of the three exhibitions of Fauvist works garnered nothing but criticism, with Matisse’s work singled out for special wrath.By this time Henri Matisse was married and had children to feed. His work being consistently panned made it very difficult for him to support his family so, when Gertrude Stein bought his most reviled painting, it not only lightened his mood but fl oated his family along until that most ill-received of art movements came to an end.Yes, that is the same Gertrude Stein who was Spanish painter Pablo Picasso’s patron. And there is another Picasso link: Georges Braque, the co-father of Cubism, was initially a Fauvist.Henri Matisse and that Spanish artist met at the height of the Fauvist period, in 1906. In spite of their age difference, they would become lifelong friends and gentle rivals. Henri Matisse was always looking for greater technical challenges; here he tries his hand at pointillism Source: WikipediaAll of this inventiveness â€" finding new ways of expressing his artistic vision served him well, especially toward the end of his life.Sunset: Matisse’s Final Years“It has bothered me all of my life that I do not paint like everyone else.” MatisseContrary to the frenzied brushstrokes an expressionist painter in full passion for his work, Matisse had always been methodical â€" in learning how to paint and in depicting his subject matter.His diligence, fastidious manner and regimented work schedule earned him equal parts of scorn and admiration in the Paris art community; even as he lingered at the Galette, he wished he could fit in better with the famous painters idling there.Matisse what diagnosed with abdominal cancer in 1941. France was already occupied by that time but, fortunately, the Germans found Matisse’s work pleasant so they helped him secure an operation to remove the cancer.Unfortunately, he suffered serious post-operative complications that left him bedridden for the next few months but, undeterred, he set about creating art differently: decoupage became his new medium.Matisse had cut painted paper into abstract shapes before; first as the stage designer for Igor Stravinsky’s The Nightingale and again for the Paris-based Russian Ballet.He had always seen paper-cutting as separate from his work as a painter but now, seriously incapacitated and unable to paint or sculpt, he relented in his assessment, ultimately increasing the size and his output of cut-outs.Matisse continued to work in whatever capacity he could until the 3rd of November, 1954, when he succumbed to a heart attack. We can see van Gogh's influence in Matisse's early work By Henri Matisse via WikipediaLegacyLike Italian Renaissance painter Leonardo da Vinci, Henri Matisse refused to let illness, injury or old age slow him down.A French impressionist at the outset, he created the most famous paintings of his career after Fauvism but before he relocated to Nice. Still, he was always ready to experiment with another medium or movement... as long as it did not offend his sensibilities.One of the blandest compliments ever paid him was: “Matisse’s art is eminently reasonable.” but, as it turns out, it is true - and the artist himself knew it.Today, Matisse is considered one of the vanguards of modern art; he ranks among the most famous artists of the early 20th CenturyAlthough his are not the most expensive paintings, they can be found in multiple countries, in their museum of art. They are generally appreciated, with little indication of the turmoil or trouble the artist might have endured in pa inting them... possibly because there was not much trouble.Now discover other famous works of art and the most famous painters in art history...